Vikings: Valhalla’ Season 2: Ending, Explained: Was Olaf Able To Capture Freydis, Leif, And Harald?


Credit: Netflix

The war of religion that had made the foundations of the Viking empire hollow from within gathered pace in Season 2 of “Vikings: Valhalla.” We had witnessed how Harald and Freydis had tried to make the people understand that there was no end to such animosity and that one day, it would burn everything to the ground, but the people were blinded. They had preconceived notions about the people who followed the old ways, and they were often referred to as devil worshipers. The leaders of the different kingdoms, instead of educating the people and making them get rid of their false assumptions, added more fuel to the fire and worsened the situation because somewhere, they also believed in those ridiculous notions.

So, let’s find out if Harald becomes the king of Norway and if Freydis can do justice to the title she had been given by the Old One in Uppsala, i.e., the keeper of the faith.

Vikings: Valhalla’ Season 2: Plot Summary: What Happens In The Second Season?

Sweyn Forkbeard had decided not to execute Olaf Haraldsson, as he had planned something else. Sweyn was leaving Kattegat to go and help his son in the battle. He wanted somebody loyal to be by the side of the young prince, though he couldn’t find anybody to trust. So, he gave Olaf an offer wherein he would have to take care of his grandson if he wanted his son, Magnus, to be the king of Norway one day. Olaf knew that availing of the offer that Forkbeard made had many benefits, with the most alluring one being that he could once again hunt Freydis and his stepbrother Harald. Olaf took Svein under his wing and started teaching him how to become a fierce warrior. Olaf announced a bounty on the head of his brother in the hope that somebody would bring in some vital intel that would lead him to Harald and Freydis. Leif Eriksson was in Kattegat when Olaf publicly announced Harald and Freydis as enemies of the state. Leif kept a close eye on the movements of Olaf, as he knew that when the time came, he would have to save his sister and his friend. Olaf finally found them, and it felt like it would be the end of the trio, i.e., Leif, Freydis, and Harald, but out of nowhere, Jorundr from Jomsborg arrived at the scene with his fleet of boats, and he bombarded the beach, making sure that Olaf just stood there like a bystander and saw them escaping right in front of his eyes.

Vikings: Valhalla’ Season 2: Ending Explained: Was Olaf Able To Capture Jomsburg And Kill Freydis?

After meeting Harekr and Gudrid, Freydis thought that all her problems would come to an end. But soon, she realized that reality was not what it seemed to be. Harekr was not a good man, and though he claimed that his mission was to save the innocent pagans from the ruthless Christian fanatics, he was no different from them. Freydis treated everyone equally, and she believed that if she wanted to build a pilgrimage like Uppsala, she would have to be fair and just. She believed that if they all believed in the same god, there couldn’t be any sort of discrimination. This caused a conflict between Herekr and Freydis, where the former tried  

his level best to kill her and take her son from her. Herekr’s hypocrisy was exposed, and Jorundr played a key role in it while helping Freydis as much as he could. Jorundr had to pay the price, and after severing his hand, he was abandoned on a boat in the middle of nowhere. Freydis came back and took what was hers. The people of Jomsborg also realized that Harekr was not worthy of leading them, and they killed him by pelting stones at him.

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